Hardstyle-Releases.com (V3)
Dear Followers,
We are really proud to present you the 3rd version of the blog ! Since the end of August 2010, we’re growing & growing. We’ve got more & more fans and followers. We thought it was time to made a new design for you, so we hope you will enjoy it. If something is missing you, can tell us and we will try to fix it. If you meet some bugs, contact us by mail or comments. And Don’t forget to share this blog to all your hardstylerz friends!
Last thing: Do you want to become a contribuor too ? Send me your motivations and social media @ infos@hardstyle-releases.com. Why YOU and not someone else ? You will manage the Videos section and some Labels Releases. Remember that you need some free time to be effective…
Greetz & Enjoy ! Frédéric & Thomas.